Health Articles

Each of the following health articles was authored by one of our expert orthopedic doctors at Orthopedic Associates. Please use the Learn More button to read the article in full.

Avascular Necrosis (Osteonecrosis) of the Hip

This is a weakening and collapse of the bone in the head of your femur. That's the ball that fits in the socket of your hip. As this bone gradually dies and breaks apart, you can develop painful arthritis in your hip.

Anatomy of the Hip Joint

The hip joint is one of the largest weight-bearing joints in the body. This ball-and-socket joint allows the leg to move and rotate while keeping the body stable and balanced.

Wrist Fusion (Total Wrist Arthrodesis)

This surgical procedure relieves pain and corrects deformities of the wrist caused by injury, trauma, arthritis, or genetic defect. The procedure fuses the radius, the carpal and metacarpal bones.

Wrist Arthroscopy

This minimally invasive outpatient procedure allows the surgeon to evaluate and treat injuries and disorders of the ligaments, cartilage, and bones of the wrist.

Trigger Digit Release

During this minimally-invasive procedure, the surgeon opens a narrowed tendon pulley at the base of a finger or thumb affected by trigger digit.

Tendon Repair

This procedure, performed under general anesthesia, is used to repair a ruptured or severed tendon in the finger or thumb.

Scaphoid Fracture Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF)

This procedure stabilizes a fractured scaphoid bone with screw fixation. The scaphoid is an important carpal bone of the wrist, which is critical in coordinating motion of the other carpal bones and the radius.

Needle Aponeurotomy for Dupuytren’s Contracture

This minimally-invasive, non-surgical office procedure is used to help straighten fingers that have become bent by Dupuytren's contracture.

Limited Palmar Fasciectomy for Dupuytren’s Contracture

This surgical procedure is performed to treat fingers that have become flexed because of Dupuytren's contracture. In this procedure, the thickened and contracted part of the fascia - the layer of tissue just beneath the skin - is removed.

Joint Synovectomy

This procedure removes diseased or damaged synovium, a thin layer of tissue that lines joint capsules and tendon sheaths and provides lubrication for movement.

Ganglion Cyst Removal

This outpatient procedure is used to remove a ganglion cyst, a fluid-filled sac that forms as a herniation from a joint capsule, ligament or tendon sheath. Ganglion cysts commonly develop at the wrist.

Finger Joint Fusion (DIP Joint)

This outpatient procedure is used to resolve the pain of a severely arthritic joint of the finger by permanently stopping finger movement.

Finger Fracture Fixation

This procedure uses pins, screws or metal plates to repair broken bones in the fingers. The actual fixation method will depend on the location and pattern of the break.

Finger Felon Drainage

The purpose of this procedure is to drain the pus and relieve the pressure and pain that results from an abscess in the pad of the fingertip, called a felon.

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release (Lins)

This surgery is performed to relieve pressure on the median nerve, alleviating numbness and tingling in the fingers. The endoscopic carpal tunnel technique is performed on an outpatient basis.

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release

This procedure is performed to relieve pressure on the median nerve, alleviating the pain of carpal tunnel syndrome and restoring normal sensation to the hand and fingers.

Anterior Hip Replacement

Direct anterior hip replacement is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that can be used to remove a hip joint that has been damaged by an injury, such as a pelvic or femoral head fracture, or a disease, such as osteoarthritis, and replace it w

About Surgery of the Hand

Your hand is a complex and unique part of your body, composed of delicate tissues and an intricate network of bones, muscles, vessels, and nerves.

Ganglion Cysts: What to Know

If you’ve noticed a small, round lump growing under the skin along the tendons or joints of your wrists or hands, you may have a ganglion cyst. Although it can be alarming, these non-cancerous lumps are common and there are more than 200,000 US cases per year.

Tips for Healthy Hips

The hip is a true ball-in-socket joint with a wide range of motion which allows us to walk, run, jump, squat, and climb stairs, among other activities. Your hips bear your entire body weight and are in almost constant use. Because the hips are so fundamental to mobility, they are prone to injury and other chronic conditions such as arthritis. Keeping your hips in shape is essential for you to continue leading an active lifestyle, especially as you age.